# BankConnect: JavaScript

The JavaScript SDK helps user submit their bank statements via upload or net banking credentials in your Web applications. The SDK will be opened via a web URL.

The first step in integration involves calling the Session API Then the workflow can be implemented in one of the following ways:

# Session API

To start with the integration, call the following API to create a session:


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/session/

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
link_id string link_id value Yes -
api_key string API key provided by FinBox Yes -
redirect_url string URL to redirect to incase of success or failure Yes for Redirect Workflow -
from_date string Start date range to fetch statements. Should be of format DD/MM/YYYY No Last 6 month start date
to_date string End date range to fetch statements. Should be of format DD/MM/YYYY No Yesterday
logo_url string An optional parameter to show logo branding in bankconnect SDK. Should be a URL. No -
bank_name string pass the bank identifier to skip the bank selection screen and directly open a that bank's screen instead No -
mode string optional parameter to set the mode(i.e. pdf, aa, and online) No -
mobile_number string Prefills phone number in Account Aggregator mode No -
journey_mode string Optional parameter to set the journey (i.e.multi_pdf or multi_banking) No -
aa_journey_mode string set the journey mode for AA (i.e only_once or only_recurring) No -
aa_recurring_tenure_month_count integer set the recurring consent duration (min: 1 and max: 24) No -
aa_recurring_frequency_unit string set the frequency unit to pull the data during the recurring consent duration (year, month, day, hour) No -
aa_recurring_frequency_value integer set the frequency value to pull the data during the recurring consent duration (min: 1 and max: 3) No -

from_date and to_date specify the period for which the statements will be fetched. For example, if you need the last 6 months of statements, from_date will be today's date - 6 months and to_date will be today's date - 1 day. If not provided the default date range is 6 months from the current date. It should be in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Note: If the to-date lies in the first week of the month, the respective month is not considered in the journey.


  • redirect_url in request is a compulsory field in Redirect Workflow but is not required with the Inline Frame workflow
  • Please make sure from_date is always less than to_date
  • Make sure to_date is never today's date, the maximum possible value for it is today's date - 1 day

# Response

On successful API call, it gives a 200 HTTP code with a response in following format:

  "redirect_url": "https://bankconnectclient.finbox.in/?session_id=127d12db1d71bd182b"

Use redirect_url to open up the BankConnect SDK. This URL can be used embedded inside an <iframe> or can be opened in a new tab or current window.

# Redirect Workflow

JavaScript SDK Redirect Workflow

The flow for this involves following steps:

  • Create a session using Session API
  • Get the URL received from above API and open it in a new tab
  • On success / exit, SDK will redirect to the specified redirect URL with parameters as follows:
    • Exit: {url}?success=false
    • Success: {url}?success=true&entity_id=<some-entity-id>
    • Success: {url}?success=true&session_id=<some-session-id> (For Session Flow)


Since there is no callback received on this flow, it is recommended to configure Webhook

# Inline Frame Workflow

JavaScript SDK iframe Workflow

The flow for this involves the following steps:

  • Create a session using Session API
  • Get the URL received from above API and embed it in an <iframe>
  • You'll receive callbacks by implementing an event listener. Based on the event you can close / hide the inline frame.

# Receive callbacks

  1. To receive callbacks in <iframe> workflow, you need to implement an event listener. It can be implemented as follows:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    window.addEventListener('message', function (event) {
      console.log("Event -> ", event)
  <iframe src="<url-from-create-session>" width="500px" height="700px"></iframe>
  1. To receive callbacks in Android WebView, a Javascript Interface (opens new window) can be used to get the events.
  • Interface Name: BankConnectAndroid
  • Callback Functions
    • All Events: onResult
    • Error: onError
    • Exit: onExit
    • Success: onSuccess
    • Extra Info: onInfo

# Event Object

The event object received by the listener can be one of the following:

# Success

This is received when user completes the upload process.

  1. Iframe
  type: "finbox-bankconnect",
  status: "success",
  payload: {
    "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>" //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
    "entityId": "1d1f-sfdrf-17hf-asda", //Unique ID that will used to fetch statement data
    "sessionId": "8a7a-jidaj-22aa-asla", //Unique ID that will used to fetch statement data for session flow
  1. WebView


    "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>" //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
    "entityId": "1d1f-sfdrf-17hf-asda", //Unique ID that will used to fetch statement data
    "sessionId": "8a7a-jidaj-22aa-asla", //Unique ID that will used to fetch statement data for session flow

# Exit

This is received when user exits the SDK.

  1. Iframe
  type: "finbox-bankconnect",
  status: "exit",
  payload: {
      "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>", //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
      "message": "<exit message>"
  1. WebView BankConnectAndroid.onExit
    "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>", //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
    "message": "<exit message>"

# Error

This is received whenever any error occurs in the user flow.

  1. Iframe
  type: "finbox-bankconnect",
  status: "error",
  payload: {
      "reason": "Reason for failure",
      "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>", //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
      "error_type": "MUXXX",//MUXXX for Manual Upload and NBXXX for Net Banking
  1. WebView BankConnectAndroid.onError
  "reason": "Reason for failure",
  "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>", //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
  "error_type": "MUXXX",//MUXXX for Manual Upload and NBXXX for Net Banking

Two Events

In case an error occurs, you'll receive OnError event payload, and then if the user exits the SDK, you'll receive another event payload, this time for OnExit.

# Error types

In case of Error, error_type of MUXXX implies an error in Manual PDF Upload and NBXXX implies its from Netbanking.

Case error_type Sample payload
Trial Expired for Dev Credentials MU002 {"reason:"Trial Expired for Dev Credentials",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"MU002"}
PDF Password Incorrect MU003 {"reason:"Password Incorrect",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"MU003"}
Specified bank doesn't match with detected bank MU004 {"reason:"Not axis statement",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"MU004"}
Non Parsable PDF - PDF file is corrupted or has no selectable text (only scanned images) MU006 {"reason:"",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"MU006"}
Not a valid statement or bank is not supported MU020 {"reason:"Not a valid statement or bank is not supported",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"MU020"}
Invalid Date Range MU021 {"reason:"Please upload statements within the date range fromDate to toDate",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"MU021"}
NetBanking Failed NB000 {"reason:"failure_message",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"NB000"}
Netbanking Login Error NB003 {"reason:"failure_message",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"NB003"}
Captcha Error NB004 {"reason:"Invalid Captcha",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"NB004"}
Security Error NB005 {"reason:"failure_message",linkID:"<USER_ID_PASSED>","error_type":"NB005"}

# Info Events

Android and JS events are passed which can used for purposes such as analytics.The object passed is of the following format.

  1. Iframe
  type: "finbox-bankconnect",
  status: "info",
  payload: {
      "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>", //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
      "event_name": "bank_selected", // Name of the EVENT
      "message": "HDFC BANK",//extra data passed in certain events
  1. WebView BankConnectAndroid.onInfo
  "linkId": "<USER_ID_PASSED>", //Link ID is the identifier that was passed while initializing the SDK
  "event_name": "manual_upload_back", // Name of the EVENT
  "message": "",//extra data passed in certain events
Event event_name message
Bank selected bank_selected <BANK NAME>
Manual upload screen opened manual -
Clicked back in Manual Upload manual_upload_back -
Clicked back in Netbanking net_banking_back -
Last Updated: 1/27/2025, 7:56:49 AM