# BankConnect: Uploading using REST API

BankConnect REST APIs can be used to submit bank statement PDFs for an entity.

You can also try these APIs on Postman. Check out this article for more details.

Request Format

BankConnect accepts all requests with form fields, so please make sure that all requests must be made with content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded or multipart/form-data; boundary={boundary string}

# Authentication

FinBox BankConnect REST API uses API keys to authenticate requests. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

To make a successful request, required headers mentioned with each API must be present in the request.

In case wrong/incomplete/no keys were passed in headers, response will have 401 HTTP Code and payload as follows:

    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."


Upload APIs do not require use of Server Hash

# Specifying the Entity

In Upload API, link_id needs to be specified as a parameter. If an entity was already created with the given link_id, the upload will happen under the same entity, if not it will create a new entity with the link_id and return the entity_id in response.

If you already have an entity_id, you can mention it directly as well instead of link_id.


In case both link_id and entity_id are present in request, link_id will be ignored and entity_id will be used.

# Password Protected PDFs

If the bank statements are password protected it is required to pass the password in the pdf_password parameter in upload APIs. The next section lists the upload APIs.

# Uploading statements in files

This section lists the endpoint and request format for upload APIs that accepts file in request. Response Format is present here.

# Bank name is known


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/statement/upload/?identity=true

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
file file the statement pdf file Yes -
bank_name string a valid bank identifier Yes -
link_id string a link_id against which you want to upload the statement Yes -
entity_id string an entity_id against which you want to upload the statement No -
pdf_password string password for the pdf in case it is password protected No -

# Bank name not known beta

In case you don't know bank name, and want BankConnect to automatically identify the bank name:


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/statement/bankless_upload/?identity=true

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
file file the statement pdf file Yes -
link_id string a link_id against which you want to upload the statement Yes -
entity_id string an entity_id against which you want to upload the statement No -
pdf_password string password for the pdf in case it is password protected No -

# Uploading base 64 encoded statements

This section lists the endpoint and request format for upload APIs that accepts base 64 encoded files. Response Format is present here.

# Bank name known


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/statement/upload_base64/?identity=true

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
file string the statement pdf file in base 64 encoded string Yes -
bank_name string a valid bank identifier Yes -
link_id string a link_id against which you want to upload the statement Yes -
entity_id string an entity_id against which you want to upload the statement No -
pdf_password string password for the pdf in case it is password protected No -

# Bank name not known beta

In case you don't know bank name, and want BankConnect to automatically identify the bank name:


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/statement/bankless_upload_base64/?identity=true

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
file string the statement pdf file in base 64 encoded format Yes -
link_id string a link_id against which you want to upload the statement Yes -
entity_id string an entity_id against which you want to upload the statement No -
pdf_password string password for the pdf in case it is password protected No -

# Uploading statement file URL

This section lists the endpoint and request format for upload APIs that accepts file URLs. Response Format is present here.

# Bank name known


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/statement/upload/?identity=true

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
file_url string publicly accessible full file URL with protocol (HTTPS) Yes -
bank_name string a valid bank identifier Yes -
link_id string a link_id against which you want to upload the statement Yes -
entity_id string an entity_id against which you want to upload the statement No -
pdf_password string password for the pdf in case it is password protected No -

# Bank name not known beta

In case you don't know bank name, and want BankConnect to automatically identify the bank name:


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/statement/bankless_upload/?identity=true

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
file_url string publicly accessible full file URL with protocol (HTTP / HTTPS) Yes -
link_id string a link_id against which you want to upload the statement Yes -
entity_id string an entity_id against which you want to upload the statement No -
pdf_password string password for the pdf in case it is password protected No -

# Response Format

All the above APIs give the response in the format below in case of successful file upload with a 200 HTTP Code:

    "bank_name": "sbi",
    "statement_id": "uuid4_for_statement",
    "entity_id": "uuid4_for_entity",
    "identity": {
        "account_number": "Account Number Extracted",
        "name": "Name Extracted",
        "address": "Address extracted",
        "account_category": "individual",
        "credit_limit": 0,
        "account_id": "uuid4_for_account"
    "date_range": {
        "from_date": "2019-12-25",
        "to_date": "2020-03-26"
    "is_fraud": false,
    "fraud_type": null,
    "status": 1

The identity information returned in the response can be used to verify the customer, while the time periods can be used to check whether the statement was uploaded for the required period.

Key Type Description
bank_name string indicates the bank, refer here for complete list
statement_id string Unique identifier for Statement
entity_id string unique identifier for entity
date_range object contains from_date and to_date strings indicating the time period in YYYY-MM-DD format
is_fraud boolean indicates if a metadata fraud was detected
fraud_type string indicates the metadata fraud type, if no metadata fraud found, its value is null
identity object contains multiple identity information keys extracted from the statement
account_id string unique identifier for account
account_number string bank account number
account_category string account category, can be individual or corporate
credit_limit Integer limit up to which a company can withdraw from the working capital limit sanctioned
address string address of the bank account holder
name string name of the bank account holder
status integer contains the status code for API, should be 1 for success. Other possible values are listed in Bad Requests(/bank-connect/upload-rest-api.html#bad-request-cases) section


  • fraud_type field is null in case is_fraud field is false, otherwise it is a string. Please refer to Fraud section to know more about it.
  • Some of the fields within the identity dictionary, or the from_date and to_date maybe null for few statements depending on the bank statement format and what all information is present on the top of the statement. The from_date and the to_date in case are returned as null, are updated for the statement at a later stage when transactions are extracted.
  • The query parameter ?identity=true is optional for both the APIs above, if not specified the response will only include entity_id, statement_id and bank_name fields in case of successful upload.

# Bad Request Cases

In case of successful upload, you'll get the status field value as 1. Following are bad request cases with status codes:

Case HTTP status code status field value Sample response
Compulsory field is missing 400 0 {"file": ["This field is required."], "status": 0}
Invalid field value 400 0 {"file": ["Invalid Base 64 string"], "status": 0}
Incorrect Content Type 400 0 {"file": ["This field must be present as a form field. Send request with content type x-www-form-urlencoded or form-data"], "status": 0}
Trial Expired for Dev Credentials 402 2 {"message": "Your trial period has expired. Please request FinBox to upgrade your plan", "status": 2}
Password Incorrect 400 3 {"entity_id": "some_long_uuid4", "message": "Password incorrect", "status": 3}
Specified bank doesn't match with detected bank 400 4 {"entity_id": "some_long_uuid4", "message": "Not axis statement", "status": 4}
Cannot Detect Bank (Bank less APIs only) 400 5 {"entity_id": "some_long_uuid4", "message": "Unable to detect bank. Please provide BANK NAME.", "status": 5}
Non Parsable PDF - PDF file is corrupted or has no selectable text (only scanned images) 400 6 {"entity_id": "some_long_uuid4", "message": "PDF is not parsable", "status": 6}
Balance, date and amount columns are not present in the statement 400 7 {"entity_id": "some_long_uuid4", "message": "Unsupported Bank Statement Format. It should have balance, date and amount columns.", "status": 7}


  • We do not support scanned PDF images, if uploaded we throw a 400 HTTP Code with the status as 6
  • In case a valid PDF comes as an input, and we are not able to extract information from it, API will give a 200 HTTP Code but will have identity information in response as null. Our quality team takes care of such cases, and new templates are added within 24 hours.
  • In case you are in DEV environment and your trial period has expired, then upload APIs will give you a response with 402 HTTP Code. To fix this please request FinBox to upgrade your plan.
Last Updated: 1/27/2025, 7:56:49 AM