# BankConnect: Webhook

You can also configure a custom web hook to be invoked whenever the extraction process is completed or failed (because of extraction failure in manual mode or user entering the wrong credentials for example in net banking mode).

To configure this, you have to share with us a valid endpoint.

A Valid Endpoint:

  • receives a POST request
  • receives a request body with content-type application/json
  • returns a 200 status code on successful reception.

# Authentication

FinBox BankConnect REST API uses API keys to authenticate requests. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

To make a successful request, required headers mentioned with each API must be present in the request.

In case wrong/incomplete/no keys were passed in headers, response will have 401 HTTP Code and payload as follows:

    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

# Updating web hook endpoint

To update your valid endpoint use the API below:


POST https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/entity/update_webhook/

# Authentication

Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

# Request Body

It receives following request body in application/json content type:

    "webhook_url": "https://postman-echo.com/post"

Here, https://postman-echo.com/post is an example for valid endpoint.

# Response

On updating the web hook endpoint successfully, the update_webhook API will give 200 Status Code.


By default web hook is enabled only for net banking mode, in case you want it to be enabled for manual mode as well, then you need to pass an additional field webhook_mode with a value 1. Hence the payload will look like this:

    "webhook_url": "https://postman-echo.com/post",
    "webhook_mode": 1

Make sure to specify webhook mode every time you update webhook in case you want web hook to be invoked for both manual as well as net banking mode, if not specified webhook_mode will reset to the default value 0 (Net Banking Mode only)

# Receiving payload

We'll be sending JSON encoded body in the following payload format:

    "entity_id": "unique_entity_id",
    "statement_id": "unique_statement_id",
    "link_id": "link_id",
    "progress": "completed",
    "reason": ""

Here, the progress field can be completed or failed. In case the value is failed, reason field will specify the reason for failure.

In case of failure in Net Banking Mode, an actual upload might not have happened, as in case of wrong credentials entered by the user, hence statement_id will be unavailable, and will be a blank string "". Similarly in the case of manual upload if link_id doesn't exist, its value will be null.

# Handling cases when your webhook endpoint is down

In case your webhook endpoint is down or a webhook call was failed, you can have the polling mechanism as a backup. However, the polling mechanism requires you to have the entity_id.

In case you just have the link_id you can also request for all the webhook payloads for a given link_id using the following API:


GET https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/entity/webhook_payloads/?link_id=link_id

# Authentication

Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

# Response

Response format will be as follows:

    "payloads": [
            "statement_id": "STATEMENT_UUID4",
            "entity_id": "ENTITY_UUID4",
            "link_id": "LINK ID HERE",
            "progress": "completed",
            "reason": "",
            "date_time": "2020-03-06 12:46:33"

This API returns the data in decreasing order of time, i.e. the latest payloads will be on top and the oldest on the bottom. In each of the payload there is an additional field date_time which indicates the date and time at which the webhook payload was supposed to be sent. date_time is in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

In case you have entity_id you can also poll the transactions API and check for the progress field.

Last Updated: 1/27/2025, 7:56:49 AM