# BankConnect: Flutter

BankConnect Flutter SDK helps user submits their bank statements via upload or net banking credentials in your Android application.

# Requirements

Bank Connect Flutter SDK works on Android 5.0+ (API level 21+), on Java 8+ and AndroidX. In addition to the changes, enable desugaring so that our SDK can run smoothly on Android 7.0 and versions below.

  • Kotlin
  • Groovy
android {
    defaultConfig {
        // Minimum 5.0+ devices
    compileOptions {
        // Flag to enable support for the new language APIs
        coreLibraryDesugaringEnabled = true
        // Sets Java compatibility to Java 8
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
        targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    // For Kotlin projects
    kotlinOptions {
        jvmTarget = "1.8"

dependencies {

# Add Plugin

Specify the following in local.properties file:


Add plugin dependency in pubspec.yaml file:

finbox_bc_plugin: any


Following will be shared by FinBox team at the time of integration:


# Integration Workflow

The diagram below illustrates the integration workflow in a nutshell: Client SDK Workflow

# Sample Project

We have hosted a sample project on GitHub, you can check it out here:

# Show SDK Screen

Builder Property Description Required
apiKey specifies the api_key Yes
linkId specifies the link_id Yes
fromDate specifies the starting period of the statement in DD/MM/YYYYformat No
toDate specifies the end period of the statement in DD/MM/YYYY format No
bank pass the bank identifier to skip the bank selection screen and directly open a that bank's screen instead No
mode set the mode as pdf (manual upload) or aa (Account Aggregator) or online (Net Banking) No
mobile_number Prefills phone number in Account Aggregator mode No
journey_mode Optional parameter to set the journey (i.e.multi_pdf or multi_banking) No
aa_journey_mode set the journey mode for AA (i.e only_once or only_recurring) No
aa_recurring_tenure_month_count set the recurring consent duration (min: 1 and max: 24) No
aa_recurring_frequency_unit set the frequency unit to pull the data during the recurring consent duration (year, month, day, hour) No
aa_recurring_frequency_value set the frequency value to pull the data during the recurring consent duration (min: 1 and max: 3) No

fromDate and toDate specify the period for which the statements will be fetched. For example, if you need the last 6 months of statements, fromDate will be today's date - 6 months and toDate will be today's date - 1 day. If not provided the default date range is 6 months from the current date. It should be in DD/MM/YYYY format.

Once the above statement is added, a series of checks are done to make sure the SDK is implemented correctly. A RunTimeException will be thrown while trying to build the project in case any of the checks are not completed.

Minimal Requirements for SDK to work:

  1. apiKey is is mandatory
  2. linkId is mandatory, and should be at least 8 characters long
  3. In case fromDate / toDate is provided, make sure they are of correct date format: DD/MM/YYYY.
  4. Make sure fromDate is always less than toDate
  5. Make sure toDate is never today's date, the maximum possible value for it is today's date - 1 day Once all these conditions are met, the BankConnect object will build.

# Parse Results

Once the user navigates through the banks and uploads the bank statement, the sdk automatically closes FinBoxBcPlugin and returns the result inside _getJourneyResult.

call.arguments contains linkId and entityId (or sessionId). A successful upload contains a unique entityId (or sessionId).

  • linkId - Unique id passed when building the Bank Connect object
  • entityId - Unique id of a successful statement upload during Entity flow
  • sessionId - Session id of a successful statement upload during Session flow
static Future<void> _getJourneyResult(MethodCall call) async {
    if (call.method == 'getJourneyResult') {
        var json = call.arguments

Following json will be received

    "linkId": "link_id",
    "entityId": "entity_id", // Entity id will be available only for entity flow
    "sessionId": "session_id", // Session Id will be available only for session flow
    "error_type": "error_code",
    "message": "msg"
Last Updated: 1/27/2025, 7:56:49 AM