# BankConnect: Management

BankConnect REST APIs also provide additional APIs for management purposes. This article lists them.

# Authentication

FinBox BankConnect REST API uses API keys to authenticate requests. All API requests must be made over HTTPS. Calls made over plain HTTP will fail. API requests without authentication will also fail.

To make a successful request, required headers mentioned with each API must be present in the request.

In case wrong/incomplete/no keys were passed in headers, response will have 401 HTTP Code and payload as follows:

    "detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."

# Net Banking Health

This API can be used to check Health status for banks in Net Banking mode.


GET https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/net_banking_health/

# Authentication

Request header x-api-key with API Key as value must be present in request.

# Response

On successful fetching, the API gives a 200 HTTP code with following response:

        "bank": "AXIS",
        "updated_at": "2020-06-02 13:28:59",
        "health_up": true,
        "issue_details": null
        "bank": "HDFC",
        "updated_at": "2020-06-02 13:28:59",
        "health_up": false,
        "issue_details": "Some cases are failing, when users are entering wrong captcha"
Key Type Description
bank string indicates the bank identifier in upper case, refer here for complete list
updated_at string last check date time (in UTC) for bank in YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format
health_up boolean indicates whether the bank status is up, true indicates bank status is up
issue_details string present if health_up is false, otherwise null

# Get PDFs

This API can be used to fetch statement PDF files for a given entity.


GET https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/entity/<entity_id>/get_pdfs/

# Authentication

Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

# Response

On fetching information successfully, the response would be of the following format with 200 HTTP code:

    "statements": [
            "statement_id": "statement_uuid4_here",
            "bank_name": "axis",
            "pdf_password": null,
            "pdf_url": "https://long_url_here",
            "account_id": "account_uuid4_here"

Here, statements key will contain a list of statements for the given entity. Each of this list item is an object with following keys:

  • statement_id: a unique identifier for this statement
  • bank_name: a valid bank identifier
  • pdf_password: Password for the PDF file. Will be null if no password.
  • pdf_url: Contains a URL for the PDF file.
  • account_id: a unique identifier for a customer bank account


  • Statement files on our system get automatically deleted after 30 days of upload date has passed. Post this, the "pdf_url" key will be a blank string. "".
  • pdf_url if present is valid for 1 hour since the time of link generation
  • In case the entity_id doesn't exists the API will return a 404 HTTP Code.

# List Entities

Lists all entities (paginated) created under your account.


GET https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/entity/

# Authentication

Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

# Parameters

Name Type Description Required Default
page integer page number No 1
link_id string to filter based on link_id No -

# Response

On successful fetching, the API gives a 200 HTTP code with following response:

    "count": 123,
    "next": "some_url",
    "previous": null,
    "results": [
            "entity_id": "some_uuid4_1",
            "link_id": null,
            "meta_data": null
            "entity_id": "some_uuid4_2",
            "link_id": null,
            "meta_data": null

count here indicates the total number of entities, next and previous have URLs for next and previous pages respectively. If no page exists, they store null as value.


  • There are 10 records per page at max
  • This API can also be used to fetch Entity ID for a given Link ID

If required you can fetch link_id from an entity_id using the API below:


GET https://apis.bankconnect.finbox.in/bank-connect/v1/entity/<entity_id>/

# Authentication

Request headers x-api-key with API Key as value and server-hash with Server Hash as value must be present in request.

# Response

On successful fetching, the API gives a 200 HTTP code with following response:

    "entity_id": "uuid4_you_sent",
    "link_id": "the_link_id",
    "meta_data": "meta_data_value"

In case no link_id exists for the given entity, the value of link_id comes as null in response.

Not Found

In case no entity with the provided entity_id exists, the API will return a response with 404 (Not Found) error code.

Last Updated: 1/6/2025, 9:34:03 AM