# DeviceConnect: Insights API

The FinBox DeviceConnect REST API enables server-to-server retrieval of anonymized device data for customers across supported platforms. Data can be fetched using the unique CUSTOMER_ID associated with each customer. The API accepts JSON-encoded request bodies and returns JSON-encoded responses, ensuring secure and efficient integration.


Following will be shared by FinBox team at the time of integration:


# Authentication

FinBox ensures secure communication by providing a valid, signed certificate for all API methods and endpoints. To access these APIs, the requesting client must use a connection library that supports HTTPS.

API authentication is managed using the SERVER_API_KEY provided by FinBox. Server-to-server communication is permitted only after the requester's IP addresses are whitelisted on FinBox servers. Whitelisting can be set up easily upon request

# Endpoints

Insights Endpoint Request Type IP Whitelisting
Production https://insights.finbox.in/v2/risk/predictors POST Yes
Development https://insights.finbox.in/staging/risk/predictors POST No

# Request

# Request Header and Body

For all the Insights API request structure is the same, all requests must have x-api-key field in header having the value as the SERVER_API_KEY shared by FinBox team. The following keys must be passed in every request body as keys to a JSON document:

Request Body

Key Type Description
customer_id String CUSTOMER_ID for which feature vector is required
version Integer Version of the feature set shared by FinBox team as DC_PREDICTORS_VERSION
salt String A salt which is computed basis logic mentioned in the Salt Generation section


The CUSTOMER_ID used here must match the identifier passed during SDK initialization. This ensures the predictors are calculated for the correct customer.

# Sample Request


Content-Type: application/json
x-api-key: XXXX-XXXX-XXXX

Request Body

    "customer_id": "1234ABCD4567",
    "version": 1,
    "salt": "5vVMNofMy5kQXx647sBdYBoMolMb1GGBSYLkzwaa9v8="

# Response

API will give a JSON Response with the following keys:

# Response Keys

Key Description Type Nullable
customer_id CUSTOMER_ID for which data was requested STRING [260] Yes
request_id A unique string for each request STRING [32] Yes
status Status of the operation. STRING [20] No
message Description of status STRING [200] No
date_requested Timestamp of processing request STRING with YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:mil format Yes
date_processed Timestamp of processing completion STRING with YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss:mil format Yes
data An array of objects, each object representing the predictors, having keys name indicating the predictor name and value indicating the values JSON Yes

data key

The list of predictors in the data key will be different based on the result API endpoint, feature set version and requester. This list will hence be shared separately by the FinBox team during the integration.


Some of the keys in response may be missing based on the availability of data and HTTP Status code. Please refer to examples for each of the cases listed here.

# status values

Depending on the availability of data, there can be different cases with different status values as follows:

Case status value HTTP Status Code Description / Action
Calculation in progress "in_progress" 202 The request input is correct and data processing started
Calculation complete and data is available "complete" 200 The request input is correct and processing has completed. Response contains the predictors
Calculation complete and data is unavailable "no_data" 200 The request input is correct and processing has completed but response contains no predictors because of lack of data from user's device
Invalid customer ID "not_found" 200 User does not exist in FinBox system
Bad request "error" 400 The request input is incorrect / malformed. More details available in message key
Unauthorized "error" 403 This happens in case SERVER_API_KEY is incorrect or IP address in not whitelisted
Internal Server Error "error" 5xx The request processing failed because of some internal error. In this case, please retry twice with an exponential backoff i.e. retry after 2 seconds, then retry after 5 seconds. If the issue persists, please contact support
Rate Limit Exceeded "error" 429 This happens in case the maximum allowed rate limit on API exceeds. In this case, please retry twice with an exponential backoff i.e. retry after 2 seconds, then retry after 5 seconds. Contact FinBox to know your rate limits.


In case your are running a daily CRON that fetches data using insights API, ensure you are not breaching the rate limit. Please contact FinBox to know your rate limits.

# Case 1 - Calculation in Progress

HTTP Status Code: 202

Sample Response Body:

    "customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
    "request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-xcds1",
    "date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
    "status": "in_progress",
    "message": "Featurization in Progress, please try again in 10 Seconds"

# Case 2 - Calculation complete and data is available

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

    "customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
    "request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-jjj1",
    "date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
    "date_processed": "2018-12-12T01:01:57:221",
    "status": "complete",
    "message": "data processed successfully",
    "data": [] // will hold the predictor objects

# Case 3 - Calculation complete and data is unavailable

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

    "customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482169F9F",
    "request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-000l",
    "date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
    "date_processed": "2018-12-12T01:01:57:221",
    "status": "no_data",
    "message": "No data available for user",
    "data": null

# Case 4 - Invalid Customer ID

HTTP Status Code: 200

Sample Response Body:

    "customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482160F9F",
    "request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-ddd1",
    "date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
    "status": "not_found",
    "message": "User not found",
    "data": null

# Case 5 - Bad Request

HTTP Status Code: 400

Sample Response Body:

    "customer_id": "A145BC6312B50CA2B58233288F81C02114A6A74E9A62482160F9F",
    "request_id": "abcd-def-dfdf-ddd1",
    "date_requested": "2019-01-03T06:37:44:003",
    "status": "error",
    "message":"Missing Key version"

# Case 6 - Unauthorized

HTTP Status Code: 403

Sample Response Body:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Incorrect API Key"

# Case 7 - Internal Server Error

HTTP Status Code: 5xx

Sample Response Body:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Internal Server Error. Please retry. If issue persists, please contact support"

# Case 8 - Rate Limit Exceeded

HTTP Status Code: 429

Sample Response Body:

    "status": "error",
    "message": "Rate limit exceeded"
Last Updated: 1/6/2025, 9:34:03 AM